If you wish to complain about any aspect of our service, you should take up your complaint initially with the County member of staff dealing with you. If this proves unsatisfactory, you should ask to speak with, or obtain contact details for, their line manager.
If you are still unsatisfied with their response, you may put your complaint in writing within seven days to: The Complaints Manager, County Car and Van Rental, Progress Works, St Mary's Way, Stockport, SK1 4AP, United Kingdom. You should include copies of any supporting documentation with your complaint. The Complaints Manager will respond with acknowledgement of receipt of your complaint and will set out the intended period in which your complaint will be investigated before a formal response is issued. Most formal complaints successfully conclude within 14 days, but in rare cases, this may take longer. You will be notified about any delay together with the reason.
Once you have exhausted our complaints procedure, you will receive advice on how to complain via Alternative Dispute Resolution.