County in the Community: Two Peaks Challenge in Aid of Maggie's Oldham
Tue Jun 19, 2018 | By: Sara Orritt

When County was approached by Richard Watton to assist with his family's fundraising efforts in aid of Maggie's Oldham, we were blown away by their story.

Richard's daughter Emily (11) was in training with her cousins (ages 9-11) to take on the two peaks' challenge. Emily's mission was to fundraise as much as possible for Maggie's, after they helped her mum. But she needed a vehicle to get them there!

We are pleased to have been able to support Richard and family with a heavily discounted vehicle rental to see them through their challenge. If you would like to offer your support to this incredible family, and Maggies, you can visit their fundraising page here.

About the Charity: Maggie's Oldham provide pracical and emotional support to anyone affected by cancer. From benefits advice to support groups and psychological support - everything they offer is free of charge. Maggie's receives no government funding, and as such rely on in-kind donations and funds raised through events/activities such as this. 

Registered Charity No. SC024414.

Disclaimer: County have received verification from a representative of the charity above that this is an approved fundraiser. All funds raised via the link provided will go directly to the charity.